junio 05, 2016


Jane is a pretty, attractive woman with personality. She is of medium height. She has her long and it is very brown and shiny. Also she has green eyes, her look is very deep.  She has a kind face and when you meet her first feel is peace, host, safe and tenderness.  She’s very intelligent, brave, nobly, interesting, friendly and she is very nice and special. 
Jane is student of History and she is very happy with her career especially because, she can to know many things. Also, she could travel around the world. Although, also she likes help many poor people. She enjoys being with the people especially with children. But also, she enjoys with her friends and family.  She´s very happy with her life. She feels very fortunate and blessed.
She wants to share their knowledge and give the best of herself to make the world better.
Jane likes to go on holiday to London.   She loves to visit London, because she likes to know the castles that are there. She likes to know about the history of each castle. Also, She loves to go to theater for see many plays as: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Life is a dream, Fuente Ovejuna and many more.
Also, she enjoys walking through woods and feels the silence and the sound of the trees; let the wind caresses your face is the most wonderful!!!  Jane says.
She is very contemplative of reality and everything around. She loves flowers, sunsets and starry nights. 
Jane projects for the future are:
-         The next month, she is going to travel to Morocco for research and when she finishes she wants work with children, adults or women specially teaching.
Jane has a great heart and she wants meet with many people passionate about seeking the kingdom of God.

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